A blogging initiative for a new semester

19 08 2009

Due to a busy summer schedule, it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything.  I’m looking forward to the discipline of blogging this semester.  I’ve really been challenged by Dr. John Piper’s post on “6 reasons pastors should blog” at Desiring God.

I want to say a word of thanks for the encouragement I’ve received regarding the “blog book” I posted from my sermon “What I Love About the Gospel”.  If you are able to use this as a resource in any way – please do!  I’m going to do similiar blog books for each sermon series that I preach through at the campus church.  Our first series is going to be called “Missio Dei: Understanding Our Role in God’s Mission.”

Stay tuned in at theolatte.wordpress.com for more “serious thoughts from a pseudo-intellectual”.



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