The Ignoring God

28 11 2009

He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is an abomination. (Proverbs 28:9)

Have you considered that God might be ignoring you because you are ignoring Him?

I’m not suggesting that God is oblivious to your needs.  This would be along the lines of heresy.  I believe that God is omniscient.  But what if God pays as much notice to your prayers as you give to His law?  What if there is a direct correlation between the attention you give to God’s law and the attention He gives to your prayers?

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Lewis on Life #3: No neutral ground in the universe

24 11 2009

“There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan”

19 11 2009

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Christianity Remix

17 11 2009

This last Sunday night we were honored to have Dr. Albert Mohler speak at the Red Barn for the campus church event called by the name of his book Atheism Remix.  Dr. Mohler gave a clear and compelling presentation, arguing that the two primary options for us today are either the new atheism or biblical theism.  As one student who identified himself as an atheist pointed out, Dr. Mohler’s tone and content was both fair and friendly.

This is the type of Christian leadership that I have experienced at Southern Seminary, for which I am profoundly grateful.

In reflecting on the event I was led to consider another remix – a Christian remix.

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The Way to See It #14: Richard Baxter

17 11 2009

An Agnostic Sermon

30 10 2009


The Way to See It #13: Alistair Begg

22 10 2009


God: The Red Hooded Sweatshirt Maker

21 10 2009


This last Sunday one of our college students, Adam Ringo, who serves as an intern in the ministry shared a lesson on moral relativism.  At the conclusion of his lesson we had a brief Q&A with Adam, myself, and our college pastor Zach Hensley.  In responding to a question about morality and the existence of God, I used “red hooded sweatshirts” to illustrate how the universality of morality points to the philosophical necessity of God.  I’ll summarize it here:

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Lewis on Life #2: Of all bad men religious bad men are the worst.

19 10 2009

lewis on life

“For the Supernatural, entering a human soul, opens to it new possibilities both of good and evil.  From that point the road branches: one way to sanctity, love, humility, the other to spiritual pride, self-righteousness, persecuting zeal.  And no way back to the mere humdrum virtues and vices of the unawakened soul.  If the Divine call does not make us better, it will make us very much worse.  Of all bad men religious bad men are the worst.  Of all created beings the wickedest is one who originally stood in the immediate presence of God.”

(Reflections on the Pslams, p. 32)

Missio Dei: A TheoLatte Blog Book

15 10 2009

missio deismall

Missio Dei is a Latin expression which means “the mission of God.”  I have taken my first sermon series from the campus church and turned it into a blog book (a compilation of the blog posts and sermon notes from my sermon series).  You can download Mission Dei here: missio dei or by clicking on the resources tab on the top header.